
Color palette

This color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used to develop a new website. If you are looking to create a new website, try as much as possible to use the colors below in order to strive for consistency.

Download the entire palette as an ASE file

Main blue
rgba(13, 160, 255, 1)
Background blue
rgba(246, 250, 255, 1)
Second color
rgba(47, 208, 139, 1) 


Main text color
rgba(5, 17, 39, 1)
Paragraph color
rgba(133, 143, 169, 1)
Background & stroke
rgba(238, 239, 243, 1)


Input stroke
rgba(216, 217, 220, 1)
rgba(252, 60, 103, 1)
rgba(255, 255, 1255, 1)


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