Use related items

The relations feature allows you to create links between documents (items) that are related to each other.

Related items can be of the same or a different document class. They are displayed in your document’s Properties panel.

- The relations feature is not available in Team Folder libraries.
- Users can access the relations feature only if, for the current document class, an administrator has configured at least one relation and selected one or more relations for display.
Learn more: Configure relations and Select relations to display and define their order.
- You can create or add as many relations as you want in your document.

As a user, you can:

Open related items
Create new related items
           From the Properties panel
           From the New menu in Document Management libraries
Add existing items as relations
Remove relations

Open related items

1. Open a document and scroll down to Related items in the Properties panel.

2. To open a related item you can:

  • press the Open button to open it in a new tab
  • press the item name to open it in the current tab

Note: The related item will open in the document page.


Create new related items

From the Properties panel

You can create new related items from Related items section of the Properties panel.  

Note: You must be in view mode to create new related items from the Related items section.

1. Open a document and select the Properties panel.

2. Under Related items, press the Add related item button.

3. In the Add related item in [Relation] pop-up, you can choose to create:


4. If you're working in a Document Management library, the document creation page opens. 
Learn more: Create documents in Document Management libraries.

If you're working in a Secured Folder, the Add attachment pop-up opens. Select one of the options: 


From the New menu in Document Management libraries

In Document Management libraries you can use the New menu to create related items.

1. Open a document and press New.

2. Select Create related [Relation]. A new related item is created and linked to your current document.


Add existing items as relations

You can add existing items as relations in your document.

Note: You can add related items in view mode or edit mode.

1. Open a document and select the Properties panel.

2. Under Related items, press the Add related item button.

3. Search for one or more items to add. You can:

  • enter search text
  • press Enter to list items that can be related

4. Select one or more items to relate.

5. Press Add selected items. The item is listed in the Related items section of your document.


Remove relations

1. Open your document and press Edit.

2. Under Related items, press the cross next to the relation you want to remove.

3.  Press Save.

Note: This action removes only the relation, not the documents (items) themselves.


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