A workflow is a sequence of steps describing the life cycle of a document. In AODocs, each workflow step is called a workflow state.
Library administrators can configure workflow emails for each workflow state:
- Action emails are sent to users who have the permission to perform workflow actions in the state.
- Notification emails are sent to other users, who don’t have the permission to perform workflow actions but can be informed about the progress of the document. For example, the document creator will be notified when their document is validated.
As a library administrators, you can:
Choose the email recipients |
Configure workflow emails |
Customize workflow emails |
Mute workflow notifications |
Choose the email recipients
1. In the workflow configuration, at the workflow state level, press Notifications and select the Recipients tab.
- Validators receive a default action email and the document creator receives a default notification email.
- Workflow emails are sent from notifications+workflow@noreply.aodocs.com.
2. To send action emails, select Notify people who need to validate the document.
Note: All the Validators defined in the manual workflow transition of the workflow state will receive an action email. For example, if the workflow state defines a transition that can be performed by the role Validator and another transition that can be performed by the role Administrator, the action email will be sent to all members of the Validator role and all members of the Administrator role.
3. To send notification emails to:
- the document creator, select Notify the document creator
- the last version creator, select Notify the last version creator
- other users, select Notify other users and define the recipients of the notification email. You can choose to notify:
- all users with access to the document
- specific users: individual users, a Google Group, a role and/or a property field with a Person Type
Tip: You are recommended to use roles when configuring notification emails. If an update is needed, roles can be centrally managed under Roles in the library administration.
Configure notification emails
1. In the Notifications configuration pop-up, select the workflow emails you want to configure.
- If the checkbox Notify people who need to validate the document is selected, select the Action e-mail tab.
- If one or more of the other checkboxes are checked, select the Notification e-mail tab.
2. Fill in the Sender.
3. Fill in the Subject.
4. Select the layout type: Default layout or No layout.
Tip: Select No layout if you want to completely customize the design of the emails.
5. Write the content of the email on the text editor section.
Note: The Sender and Subject fields and the content of your emails can be customized according to the document’s data, using placeholders.
Note: You can't copy-paste a placeholder with a link from one Notifications configuration pop-up to another. You must configure the link placeholder manually.
Tip: If you’ve written the content of your emails in a spreadsheet and you’re copy-pasting an entire cell, the content of your email will display some html code related to the format of the spreadsheet. To make sure no formatting html code is displayed, check the source code of your text using the Tools menu.
6. Press Save.
7. Save the workflow configuration.
Customize workflow emails
You can customize the sender, subject and content of workflow emails using the following variables or placeholders in your email configuration:
Variables or Placeholders |
Definitions |
${documentInfo} |
The list of the system properties of the document:
${documentProperties} |
The list of the custom properties of a document. Hidden properties are not listed. |
${documentAttachments} |
The list of attachments with their links in AODocs. |
${documentRelations} |
The list of the related documents grouped by relation type. |
${documentId} |
The ID of the document. |
${documentTitle} |
The title of the document. |
${documentState} |
The current state of the document. |
${documentActions} |
Workflow buttons available for the validators of the document. If used, validators can directly approve or reject a document from the action email they receive. This placeholder isn’t available for notification emails. |
${libraryName} |
The name of the library which the document belongs to. |
${documentLink} |
The link to the document in AODocs labeled with the name of the document. |
${documentUrl} |
The URL to open the document in AODocs in view mode. |
${documentEditUrl} |
The URL to open the document in AODocs in edit mode. |
${documentDescription} or ${richText} |
The description of the document. |
${document:fieldName} |
The value of a document's property. For document properties of field type URL, it corresponds to the URL. For example, for the property named "Invoice amount", you can use the variable ${document:Invoice amount} in the notification or action email. |
${document:fieldName:displayText} |
The display text (without a clickable link) of a document property of field type URL. |
${document:fieldName:link} |
The display text (with a clickable link) of a document property of field type URL, if display text is defined. The URL (with a clickable link) of a document property of field type URL, if display text isn't defined. |
${comment} |
The comment entered by the user who performed the last workflow action. |
${latestComment} |
The last comment entered during previous workflow transitions. |
${allComments} |
All the comments made during the workflow transitions. |
${parallelComments} |
All the comments made on the latest completed parallel workflow transition. |
${initialAuthor} |
The name of the user who has created the document. |
${updateAuthor} |
The name of the last user who has updated the document. |
${class} |
The document class which the document belongs to. |
${workflow} |
The workflow which the document belongs to. |
${lastModified} |
The date of the last update made to the document. |
${stateChangeDate} |
The date of when the document changed its state. |
${creationDate} |
The creation date of the document. |
${currentVersionName} |
The name of the current version. |
${currentVersionDescription} |
The description of the current version. |
Mute notifications
If you're performing maintenance or running tests on your workflow, you may want to temporarily prevent notifications from being sent.
1. Open the library administration interface.
2. Select Workflows. The list of workflows in your library is displayed.
2. Select the Mute notifications checkbox next to a workflow. No notifications will be sent from this workflow until you unselect the checkbox.