The relations feature enables you to create links between documents (items) that are related to each other.
Related items can be of the same or a different document class. They are displayed in the document’s Properties panel. Learn more: Use related items.
As a library administrator, you can:
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Set up relations between different document classes
1. Open the library administration and select Relations.
2. Press Add new value.
3. Enter a name for your new relation.
4. Press Enter.
5. Press the name of the relation to open the relation configuration panel.
The relation configuration panel has columns named From and To. The columns allow you to define what is displayed in the relations table for each document class of the relation. The relations table is displayed in the Properties panel of documents that can be related.
Notes: Switching From and To won't affect your relation. The relation works identically in both directions.
6. Select the required document classes in the Class fields.
7. Define the names of the relations that will be displayed to users in the Name fields.
Note: By default, when you create a relation the first document class in the library is used for the Class and Name fields in both columns From and To.
Note: A message appears if the relation you have defined won't be displayed automatically in the document page. You can select relations for display and define their order in the document class configuration.
Set up relations within a single document class
1. Add a new relation under Relations in the library administration interface.
2. Press the name of the relation to open the relation configuration panel.
3. Select the Simple relation checkbox in the relation configuration panel.
4. Select a document class in the Class field.
5. Define the name of the relation that will be displayed to users in the Name field.
Configure how relations are displayed to end-users
Note: You can define which relations are displayed in the end-user interface and their order. Learn more: Manage the display of AODocs documents.
1. In the Sort field, select the property by which the relations will be sorted in the relations table. The default is Unsorted.
2. Define whether to display the relations in Ascending or Descending order.
3. Under Select the information to display in the relation, select the properties you want to display in the relations table for each document class in the relation.
To add a property to display, select the property in the left box and press the right arrow.
To remove a property to display, select the property in the right box and press the left arrow.
To change the order of the displayed properties, use the up and down arrows.
Note: If you selected Simple relation, only one list of properties is displayed.
4. Save your changes. The relations are displayed in the Properties tab of your documents. Learn more: Use related items.
Delete relations
1. In the list of relations, press Delete to the right of the relation you want to delete.
2. A confirmation pop-up opens. Press Delete.