With the AODocs Smartbar installed, you can transform your Google Drive folders into AODocs Team Folders.
You can also create a new AODocs Team Folder and move the Google Drive folder into it.
– Only library creators can create a new library. This role is defined and managed at the domain level by AODocs super administrators. Learn more: Manage library creators.
– You can only transform folders that you own.
– Super administrators can create Team Folders from any folders they have access to if the owner is in the same G Suite domain.
1. Select a folder that you own in Google Drive and press the Import into AODocs button.
2. The Import folder to an AODocs library pop-up opens. Name the library and select Create a library from this folder.
3. The New AODocs library pop-up opens. Enter a name for your new Team Folder. By default, the name of the folder you selected is used.
Note: The library name can contain any kind of character (including special characters) but the library name must be unique. Two libraries can't have the same name.
4. Select the storage account for your new library.
The AODocs storage account will become the owner of your Team Folder and its files.
Note: If you have only one storage account configured on your domain, it's selected by default. If several storage accounts have been configured, select the storage account you want to assign to this library from the list.
5. Press Create.
Your Team Folder is created and appears in your My Drive.