A view is a page which displays a set of documents from your library. You can define the properties and filters to sort the documents. These filters can be based on the nature of the library, workflow states or other settings that may be relevant for users.
This article explains how to create and organize your views:
Access the views in your library |
Create or clone a view |
Modify a view |
Delete a view |
Read Configure views for details on how to set the parameters for a view.
– When creating a document class in a Document Management library, a view “All documents" is created by default.
– When creating Team Folders and Secured Folders libraries, a document class “Document” and a view “All documents” are created by default.
– “All documents” displays the documents in the first class created.
Access the views in your library
1. Access the library administration.
2. Select Views in the left panel.
Create or clone a view
Create a view
1. In the Views list, press Add new value.
2. Enter the name of your view.
3. Select the document class in which the view will be configured.
The new view is automatically saved.
Note: If you have only one document class in your library, it will be selected automatically.
Clone a view
1. Select the view to clone.
2. Press Clone.
The cloned view is automatically saved.
Note: When cloning an existing view, all its settings are copied.
Modify a view
Rename a view
1. Press the Edit button to the left of the view name.
2. Enter the new name.
3. Press Enter.
Set a default view
1. Select the view to set as default.
2. Select the Default checkbox.
Note: The default view is selected in the following cases:
– From the library homepage, searches are applied in the default view.
– When you access a Team Folder or Secured Folder from the AODocs homepage, the default view is displayed.
Change the order of the views
When you modify the order of your views, the change is automatically visible from the library homepage.
1. Select a view.
2. Drag and drop your view to the required position in the list.
Your changes are automatically saved.
Delete a view
1. Select a view to delete.
2. Press Delete.
3. In the pop-up, press Delete.
Your changes are automatically saved.