Move documents or folders to a different folder

As a library contributor, you can move documents or folders into a different folder within the same library.

– Folders are always available in Team Folders and Secured Folders. In Document Management libraries, folders must be configured by library administrators.
– Only library administrators can export documents or folders to other libraries.

This article describes how to:

Move documents or folders from a view
Move a document from the document page interface

Move documents or folders from a view

To move documents or folders from one folder to another:

1. Open a view.

2. Select the items you want to move.

Note: You can select folders and documents at the same time.

3. Press the folder button.


4. The Folder selection pop-up opens. Select the folder where you want to move your items. 

Note: The Folder selection pop-up defaults to: 
- the parent folder of the current folder (if one or more documents in the same folder are selected) 
- the selected folder in the browse by view (if two or more documents in different folders are selected)

Tip: You can select existing folders or create new ones in your folder structure.

5. Press Move items

Note: When you move documents to a different folder, the last modification date and author are not updated.


6. A progress bar appears at the top of the screen. Press View more details if you want to see details of the move operation. 

Move a document from the document page interface

To move a document from the document page:

1. Open a document.

2. Press the Manage folders button. 

Follow the procedure from step 4 above. 


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