All libraries have a set of basic parameters which library administrators can configure.
To configure the basic parameters of your library:
1. Access the library administration interface.
2. Select General settings in the left panel.
3. In the Title field, you can rename your library.
4. Add a custom URL to your library. Learn more: Configure the home URL.
5. Create a redirection URL. Learn more: Define a URL for redirection.
6. Add a notification address to which library notifications will be sent. Learn more: Define a notification address.
7. Configure the number of days documents are kept in the library's trash after they are deleted. The value by default is 30 days. Learn more: Manage deleted documents.
Important: AODocs is synchronized daily to remove documents that have exceeded the retention time. For example, if a document should be kept in the library trash for one day, it will be removed from the deleted documents (library trash) between one and two days after the deletion.
8. View the name and email address of the storage account of your library.
9. In the Locale email notifications drop-down menus, select:
- the language for translatable properties and values that are sent in workflow notification emails
- the time zone for your library — the creation date and last modified date of all workflow notification emails will use this time zone
Learn more: Configure how properties and the time are displayed in workflow emails.
10. Use the drop-down menu next to Who can see the recent activities of this library and the history of the documents to define who can see:
- the recent activities listed on the library homepage
- the history of the documents
- the Transitions and Comments tabs in documents in which workflow actions have been performed
You can choose from:
- everybody
- group
- role