AODocs Smartbar V4.3 Release notes

Dear Smartbar user,

Please find below a list of the major new improvements and bug fixes in the AODocs Smartbar version 4.3.

Important news: In order to provide the best experience and an even more secured extension, the Smartbar 4.3 only works with Google Chrome version 49 and higher.

New improvements

Better management of Google files stored in a Document Management library

The Smartbar now detects when you are working on a Google Doc / Sheet / Slide that is attached to an AODocs Document Management library and displays breadcrumb links pointing to the corresponding AODocs document and its library:

  • Clicking on the library name redirects the user to the library homepage in the AODocs interface;
  • Clicking on the AODocs document title redirects the user to the AODocs document in the AODocs interface.

Clicking on the button  opens the document information card, which displays the document’s metadata and workflow status. In the card, the document title links to the parent AODocs document.

Opening the AODocs library homepage and the AODocs document from Drive

Secured folder creation options are displayed according to the folder permissions and library settings

When some actions displayed in the “NEW” menu are not available to the user, they are now displayed in a grey font to indicate that they are disabled.

For example, if the parameter "only admin can modify the folder structure" is activated, the “Upload Folder” button is now grayed for users who have only contributor permissions.

For users who have read only access on a folder, all the creation options are hidden in this folder.

The option "Folder upload" is disabled

More explanations displayed when a user wants to copy a file, convert a file or delete a folder

The confirmation dialogs displayed by the Smartbar (for example, the popup asking a user to confirm the removal of a folder) now display more detailed information on what is going to happen when the operation is confirmed.

Learn more here: Copy documents in your Secured Folder

Learn more here: Convert Office files to Google files

Learn more here: Delete documents and folders

The new Smartbar confirmation popup

Bug fix

If a user tries to edit a Microsoft Office file that is being edited by another user, the AODocs Smartbar now displays a clear error message.

Coming soon

When working on a Google Doc / Sheet / Slide attached to an AODocs Document Management library, the Smartbar will soon display the list of other Google Drive files attached to the same AODocs parent document.

Viewing the other attachments of an AODocs document from the Google editor

How can we improve your Google Drive experience?

In order for us to get feedback on which features you would like to see in the future, please access the following forum AODocs in Google Drive (Smartbar) Feature requests.

On this forum, you can vote for improvements proposed by other users, comment on posts and make your own feature suggestions. The current list is based on the requests we received through the support, sales and projects teams.

The AODocs Smartbar feature requests community

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