What is the AODocs Smartbar?

The AODocs Smartbar is a Google Chrome extension that brings AODocs features directly into your Google Drive, Gmail and Google editor.

- You need to install the AODocs Smartbar. Learn more: Install the AODocs Smartbar.
- The AODocs Smartbar is available only for the Chrome browser. Read more about Google Chrome extensions.

You can use AODocs features from different interfaces:

 Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Google Drive interface
    Create and access your libraries
    Configure your library through the Security center
    Manage your files and folders
    Perform advanced actions
Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Gmail interface
Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Google editor interface
    Manage your Google files
    Perform advanced actions on Google files

Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Google Drive interface

 Create and access your libraries

Note: If you try to access a library from a different domain, you must switch the domain in the Smartbar extension.
Learn more: AODocs Smartbar multi-domain usage



Configure your library through the Security center



Manage your files and folders




Perform advanced actions

Note: Advanced features require a Document Management license.


Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Gmail interface

Import your emails from your Gmail interface into your AODocs libraries
Learn more: Create documents from emails in Document Management libraries (in Gmail) and Create documents from emails in Team Folders and Secured Folders (in Gmail)


Use the AODocs Smartbar from your Google editor interface

Manage your Google files

  • Use the breadcrumb to locate your file

Perform advanced actions on Google files


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