Install the AODocs WebDAV client

Note: You're recommended to use the Universal File Opener (UFO) instead of the WebDav client. If you use UFO, the Microsoft limitations don't apply when working with Microsoft Office files. 

The AODocs WebDAV client is a small program (less than 100 Kb) that enables the AODocs Smartbar to launch Microsoft Office on your computer, when you open a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file from the Google Drive user interface via the AODocs Smartbar.

This client is for Windows. Mac users don't need to install the AODocs WebDAV client to use this feature.

image01.pngOpening a Microsoft Office document

For Microsoft Windows users, if the AODocs WebDAV client is not installed when you click on the Open file button in Google Drive, a pop-up will ask you to download it.

Learn more:

You can also download the AODocs WebDAV client for windows here.

Open the downloaded file and follow the steps to complete the installation.

Note: You are not required to install the AODocs WebDAV on your computer if you don’t have Microsoft Office, or if you don’t plan to use the Open in Microsoft Office feature.

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