When you open a library in AODocs, the library homepage opens if you're in:
- a Team Folder library or a Secured Folder library with more than one view
- a Document Management library
- If you're in Team Folder or a Secured Folder with only one view, the library opens on the view.
- To navigate to the homepage of your library, press the library name in the breadcrumb in the library header.
The library homepage contains:
Top panel |
Left panel |
Right panel |
Top panel
The left panel has the following elements:
- Header: this is always displayed when you navigate in the library. From left to right it contains:
- Breadcrumb, which shows the path of your current location. Learn more: Use the navigation breadcrumbs.
- Help menu where you can select:
- Knowledge Base: to access the AODocs Knowledge Base or your company's specific documentation if your AODocs super administrator has customized the documentation URL.
- Support: to access AODocs support or your company's specific documentation if your AODocs super administrator has customized the support URL.
- Status page: to access the AODocs status page, which displays the current status of the AODocs services and the history of past service disruptions. On the status page you can also subscribe to service status alerts.
- About: to access information about the current version of AODocs
- User menu to switch between accounts and domains, enable or disable the beta editor and logout from AODocs and your G Suite session.
- Administration menu where library administrators and super administrators can access the Library administration, Library security and Import status. Learn more: What is the library administration? and Review the document import operations.
Note: Only super administrators can access the Import Status menu.
- AODocs search bar: use the search bar to find documents you have access to.
- New button: use this button to create a new document in the library. Learn more: Create documents in Document Management libraries.
Left panel
The right panel has the following elements:
- List of views: the views of the library are configured by the library administrator. Learn more: What are views?
- List of workflow tasks: displayed only when your library has been configured with a workflow. It displays the number of documents where you have a pending workflow action for each workflow state. Learn more: Browse the workflow tasks in your library.
Right panel
The central panel has the following elements:
- Description: this can be customized by library administrators with text and images to describe your library. Learn more: Customize your library homepage.
- Recent activity section: this displays an activity log of the library, such as creation and update of documents and workflow actions. A maximum of 10 activities are listed. When there are more activities than the listed ones, a link Show next events appears. You can view more activities from the audit log. Learn more: View the library audit log.
- In the Recent activity section, users can see only the events on documents they have access to.
- If your library administrator has configured the Recent activity section to be displayed only for groups or roles of which you're not a member, it is not displayed.
Learn more: Configure your library's general settings