Your AODocs subscription grants you a certain number of licenses. These licenses are automatically allocated to users in your domain and external users, based on their activities.
Note: Super administrators can also pre-allocate licenses to users.
A license is assigned to a user when they:
- access a library homepage, a library view or a document page (even in read-only) in the AODocs user interface
- modify the domain or library configuration via the AODocs administration interface or via the AODocs application programming interface (API)
- open a document managed by AODocs in Google Drive (even in read-only)
Note: If a user accesses an AODocs document in Google Drive in read-only, the license isn't assigned immediately. AODocs detects it by periodic analysis of Google Drive accesses.
- create a document in an AODocs library by sending an email to the library
- read or update a document via the AODocs API (for example by using a custom-built user interface accessing the AODocs API, or using an AODocs add-on like the AwesomeTable connector)
Learn more: What is the AODocs AwsomeTable connector?
Note: Users who log into AODocs without accessing any libraries or documents don't use a license.
AODocs licenses are automatically removed from the users only when the user is deleted from your G Suite domain.
If a user's licence has been released or there are no more licences available in your subscription plan, end-users who try to access AODocs get this message:
Important: If you release a user license, this user is no longer considered as an AODocs user. They therefore won't be able to log back in and consume a new user license.