Uninstall AODocs

What happens when AODocs is uninstalled from your domain?

When AODocs is uninstalled from your G Suite domain by a super administrator, AODocs cannot use the G Suite application programming interfaces (APIs) anymore. The link between AODocs and your G Suite domain is broken.

If you haven’t canceled your subscription, your users can still access the AODocs interface or use the AODocs Smartbar, but they will face errors as the link with Google Drive is broken.

Learn more: Manage your AODocs subscription. 

After AODocs is uninstalled:

  • For Team Folder and Secured Folder libraries:
    • the files are still stored in Google Drive
    • files and folders are owned by the same storage account(s)
    • the permissions on the files and folders are kept
    • if new files are added to the folders, the ownership of the new files will not be transferred to the folder’s storage account
  • For Document Management libraries:
    • the properties and descriptions are no longer available
    • views from Document Management libraries are not visible anymore
    • files are stored in Google Drive, but without any folder structure
    • the Google Drive files can be found in a folder (named after the library) in the My Drive of the storage account
    • the configuration of the libraries are not available anymore

Note: AODocs data (library configuration, audit log, document properties, etc) are kept up to 90 days after uninstallation, as indicated in our Terms of service.

What to do before uninstalling?

Before uninstalling AODocs you can:

Note: After an uninstall, the files stored in AODocs are still owned by the storage accounts. 

If you have difficulties extracting your AODocs data before uninstalling, contact our support at support@aodocs.com or on https://support.aodocs.com/hc/requests/new. 

The support team can help you through the extraction process within the 90 days following the uninstall.

How to uninstall?

1. As a G Suite super administrator, go to the following link: https://admin.google.com/AdminHome

 2. Select Apps.


3. Select Marketplace apps.


4. Select AODocs.


5. Press the Trash icon to delete the AODocs application.


Note: If you've installed AODocs Chrome extensions such as the AODocs Smartbar or AODOcs Universal File Openerremove them from your Chrome session as they may interfere with your Google Drive or Gmail interface. Learn more: Uninstall the AODocs Smartbar.

What’s next?

Uninstalling AODocs does not cancel your subscription.

Learn more: Manage your AODocs subscription.

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