Manage your libraries

As an AODocs super administrator, you can delete libraries created by library creators.
Learn more: Manage library creators.

Access the library management page
Search for a library or filter the list of libraries
Delete a library

Access the library management page

1. Open the domain administration interface.

2. Press Libraries in the left menu.

The Manage your libraries page displays all the libraries of the domain. You can view:

  • the associated storage account of all the libraries
  • the statistics and metrics of your libraries: the number of documents and the number of attachments per library
  • the number of subscriptions per library; learn more: Manage storage accounts

Each library type has a logo:

TF_logo.png Team Folders
SF_logo.png Secured Folders
Document_Management_logo.png Document Management libraries



Search for a library or filter the list of libraries

1. Press the search button.

2. Enter search text. The list of libraries that match your search text is displayed.

3. You can filter the list of libraries by library type.


Delete a library

1. Press the delete button next to the library you want to delete.

2. If required, select Delete the Google Drive files owned by the storage account.

3. Press Confirm.


Important: You can choose to Delete the Google Drive files owned by the storage account.
- If you select this option, all documents and attachments of the library will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.
- If you do not select this option, the permissions set on the attachments before the library deletion are kept. For example, if a library user adds an AODocs attachment to their My Drive, they will be able to access the attachments after the library is deleted.
The storage account remains the owner of the files. In a Team Folder or a Secured Folder, you can transfer the ownership before deleting the library using the export feature.

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