More information about external users

Who can access AODocs?

To access AODocs, users need to have one of the following accounts:

What is an external user?

A user account is considered as "external" if it is not a user of the G Suite domain where AODocs is installed.

Note: A G Suite domain can manage different domain names (primary, secondary and alias domains). The primary and secondary are, by definition, different. Users from the same G Suite domain can be and Even with different domain names, they will both be internal users of the G Suite domain

To be able to access to an AODocs library (Secured folder and Document Management), external users must be added to a global trusted list, managed by AODocs super administrators.

Learn more: Manage external users.

Adding files as an external user

Since Google Drive does not allow to transfer the ownership of files between different G Suite domains (more details here), a certain number of limitations apply for external users adding content to AODocs:

  • When adding files to a library via the AODocs user interface, AODocs makes a copy of the files instead of changing the ownership. As a result, the original file remains in the external user's My Drive, and the copy is added to the AODocs library, owned by the AODocs corporate account. Copying Google Docs, Slides and Sheets resets the document revision history, so the file added to AODocs does not have the revision history of the original file. 
  • When uploading a file from the local disk, the uploaded file is added to the external user's My Drive. Since AODocs is not able to transfer ownership of the uploaded file (see previous bullet point), the uploaded file is copied to AODocs and the original file stays in the user's My Drive folder.
  • Creating new Google Docs (Doc, Slide, Sheet) in the AODocs user interface is slower for external users than for regular users since AODocs needs to do more permission manipulations.

Note: Currently when importing the external files to an AODocs library, the files are added to the library but don't keep the original permissions of the file.

Use AODocs from Google Drive as an external user

External users can use AODocs from Google Drive but some limitations exist.

Learn more: AODocs Smartbar multi-domain usage.

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