Bulk Updater is a web application that allows you to update in bulk the properties (also called metadata) of your AODocs documents. Only library administrators and super administrators can use Bulk Updater.
This article explains how to run your export.
Note: You must configure your export first.
1. In the Create export tab, select an export option:
- Update disabled: to export without updating your spreadsheet
- Update enabled: to export, then update your spreadsheet and reimport back into AODocs
2. Press the Export button.
When the export is complete, you're redirected to the Recent exports tab.
If you selected Update enabled when you ran your export, you can now edit the properties of your AODocs documents in your spreadsheet.
Notes about export speed:
- Library or class without a query: about 2,000 documents per minute
- Class with a query or view with fewer than 10,000 documents: about 1,000 documents per minute
- Class with a query or view with more than 10,000 documents: about 500 documents per minute
2. At the end of the export, you receive an email from Bulk Updater (system@bulk-updater.aodocs.com).
The email has a link to the Google spreadsheet containing your exported properties.